Minutes - September 2024
Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on
Tuesday 10th September 2024 at Crowton Village Hall
2024 Meeting started 7pm
PresentCllr Ralph Oultram (Chair) (RO) Cllr Richard Thorne (vice chair) RT
Cllr Roger Hammond (RH) Cllr Jenny Currie (JC) Cllr Joel Rutter, (JR)
Ward Councillor’s Gillian Edwards (GE) & Lynn Stocks (LS)
2 Police officers
Clerk - T Whitlow (TW)
24/38Apologies for Absence were received & accepted from:
Cllr Bob Stubbs, (BS) Cllr Richard Thorne & Ward Cllr Phil Rimmer.
24/39Declarations of Members’ Interests:
24/40Approve Minutes The minutes of the last Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 9 July 2024 were approved & signed by the Chair.
24/41Public Participation:
None present.
24/42Ward Councillor reports:
Poplar Vale: mistakes have been made during the build re -drainage, this is ongoing.
Flood Meeting: another meeting is being arranged with CWAC, to advise dates to PC and residents group.
CWAC & ChALC: Town & Parish Council connection online info event with Highways next week (JC has registered)
Council Tax reduction: LS to send TW further info on CT reduction for low earners to be added to the website/noticeboard.
Hedges/footpaths/gulleys: reminder to residents to use the report it app for issues. – Advised that not a lot of work will be carried out siding up footpaths, as no budget, resulting in overgrown footpaths throughout CWAC.
Local Plan: has been put on hold with the new government, whilst their own plan is established.
24/43Councillor Vacancy: Co-option
The parish council had received an application for co-option to the Parish Council. This was reviewed.
RO proposed Mrs Susan Dolley be co-opted to CPC, seconded by RH voted by all Cllrs. TW to inform applicant and send relevant paperwork.TW
24/44 Matters arising from the previous minutes – unless an agenda item:
Sandbags: The PC have been informed there is no CWAC budget for sandbags this year, so the PC will be unable to provide as in previous years.
The PC has received a letter of resignation from Cllr Thomas Stott, although he is happy to assist with projects. The PC wish to thank Thomas for his input to the PC.
1.Cash book as at 28.08.24 approved.
2.Bank reconciliation 28.08.24 approved.
3.Payments ratified/for approval.
RJuly payroll
RT Whitlow WFH July£25.00
RAugust payroll
RT Whitlow WFH August£25.00
RC Bairstow - MG works£10,200.00
RRefund T Whitlow - post for War Memorial£243.53
AT whitlow Expenses July-August£76.00
ARefund R. Thorne War memorial expenses £32.42
Parish field rent £325.00
5.Bank Account:
TW confirmed that a new interest-bearing bank account has been opened with Barclays.
24/47Clerks Report:
Nothing that is not covered as an agenda item.
New applications:
23/03247/FULQuarry Brook Farm, Crowton -Erection of Livestock building & ancillary works (re-submission of 22/03856/FUL) This application had been reviewed and comments submitted to LPA. The PC feel this is over use of a small acreage of land, and further unjustified infringement of the greenbelt, with no evidence of sustainability supplied with the application.
LPA decisions:
No new decisions from PLA have been notified to the PC.
24/49Village maintenance:
The community continue to volunteer their time for the general up-keep of the village. The PC would like to thank all the existing volunteers for their commitment to the village and welcome the input of the new volunteers.
24/50Remembrance Day:
Resolved to purchase 8-10 new lamp post poppies, to suit requirements.
Resolved to supply a wreath for the War Memorial - this had previously been done by a past councillor.
Resolved to continue to donate to the RBL as in previous years, this is in addition to the supply of a wreath.
No new report. Potholes continue to be an issue around the village. Members of the public are encouraged to report these via the CWAC ‘report-it’ app. TW
24/52Millenium Green:
1.Update of scheduled work: Contractor has completed the works to the MG path. Bridge still need work – the PC to form a working party to complete this.
The broken metal tubular fence has been removed by the volunteers.
2.Volunteers: Will be back in back in November to help plant the new hedge whips, where the metal fence has been removed. It has been decided not to put reflectors on the concrete posts. The PC wish to thank the volunteers for all their work throughout the year.
3.Hedge cutting: the MG hedge was cut in March. Resolved to ask the contractor to cut again now, and hopefully this will be sufficient for the year. TW to contact the contractor.
4.General Maintenance: The volunteers, Cllr’s and MOP’s will continue to maintain the MG over the winter slow growing months, and review early next year. Wild flower sowing was discussed – to do early spring.
5.Road sign: an old unreadable ‘Kingsley Road’ road sign has been uncovered in the undergrowth whilst removing the broken fence, TW to contact Highways to ask for a replacement. TW
24/53Asset Maintenance & Register:
1.Fingerpost maintenance: GE agreed to contribute with the other ward councillors (Members budget) to the cost of this – members budget application has gone in. on receipt TW to instruct contractor to carry on with the restoration work.
2.War Memorial Fence – Material have been ordered, and the work will be completed by Cllrs & MOP’s before Remembrance Day. 2 members of the village have come forward to maintain the area around the War Memorial. The PC are grateful for their assistance.
24/54Community Resilience Group:
JC & TW have had a meeting with the Joint Cheshire Emergency Team. Their assistance in producing the Crowton Resilience Plan was very helpful. JC is editing the document – to send to TW for review before sending to all Cllrs. JC
24/55Items for next agenda:
Full policy review. Telephone Box painting Onston Lane. 1st draft budget for 2025/26
24/56Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8th October 2024 at Crowton Village Hall.