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Minutes - July 2023


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on 

Tuesday 11th July 2023 at Crowton Village Hall 2023                                                                    

Present Cllr Ralph Oultram (Chair) RO, Cllr Richard Thorne (Vice Chair) (RT)                    

Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs (ES), Cllr Jennifer Currie (JC), 

Cllr Bob Stubbs (BS) Cllr Joel Rutter (JR), Ward Gillian Edwards (GE) 

Ward Cllr Lynn Stocks (LS) Clerk T Whitlow (TW)  3 members of the Public(MOP)


Apologies for Absence were received from:  

Cllr Roger Hammond (RH)  Cllr Ross McCrickerd (RM)

16 Declarations of Members’ Interests – none

17 Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 16 May 2023 were approved & signed by the Chair

18 Public Participation

MOP raised issue of the large number of HGV’s travelling through the village to gain access to a local business, as MOP feels there are too many, that the lorries are too large for the B5153 and are travelling at all times of day and night making MOP’s property shake. Ward Cllr LS offered to take this up with highways & planning on behalf of the MOP


19 Ward Councillors reports:

Cllr LS reported on speeding issues, which now the SID’s are in place may reduce.

Potholes – ongoing issues throughout the county – Station Road to be treated later in the year.

HGV’s – as above 23/18

Cllr GE reported on Factco drop in at Norley church hall next week – residents at the top of Onston Lane will now be connected via Bag Lane infrastructure.

CWAC Crowdfunding- this has now opened up for any groups wishing to crowdfund via spacehive – Cllr JC had attended a meeting in regard to this last week.

Train station ticket offices – National survey regarding the closure of all ticket offices throughout the country.

Flooding -meetings are still taking place.


Matters arising from the Minutes of 16 May 2023

1. Broadband – as above 23/19

2. SID’s- Following on from the last meeting, due to councillors work, it was decided to ask the company who had erected the posts to attach the speed indicator display signs, this has now been done and the SID’s are operational.


21 Correspondence- TW had received emails re the HGV’s travelling through the village as 23/18 – TW to contact the operations manager regarding number of vehicles, and Highways to ask for a speed assessment on Station Road.

TW had received a letter from the Hare & Hounds to ask for a donation towards the Village Fayre. This had been circulated. TW had also applied for a members Budget TW


22 Donation/funding – As above 23/21, the decision to offer a grant to the Hare & Hounds Resolved to donate £500 to the Hare & Hounds, this has been matched by the members budget received – thanks to all ward councillors.

23 Accounts/Financial

1. Cash book approved.

2. Bank reconciliation not done as bank statement not received in time.

3. Income received £510 members budget

Payments approved:

E Stubbs £227.24 plants – as agreed in May

Rock Graphics – SID’s installation £484.80

T Whitlow Clerk Expenses x2 months £77.06

Clerks salary July & August

24 Highways - Cllr GE has organised another zoom Highways meeting for the Parish Council next week.

A small amount of pothole filling has taken place, but still more need to be completed.

The hedges on the border with Cuddington PC on Bag Lane are seriously overgrown, forcing traffic into the centre of the road. TW to report on report it app.


25 Millennium Green

1. External fence – This on-going issue between the PC and Highways in respect of ownership is still not resolved – to bring this matter up at the Highways meeting next week.

2. The refurbished old village notice board is now in place on the MG.

3. TW has received a quote for the pathway work on the MG of £2600, this was to give the PC an indication of the cost. TW now to find 2 other companies to give a quote for the work.



26 Planning - No new planning applications received.

New driveway on Ainsworth Lane - TW has received an email from planning enforcement to say they are investigating. 

Quarry brook Farm -TW received an email from planning enforcement – as work has now started on the site, the mobile home can remain whilst works are active.

27 Asset Maintenance & Register

1. Grass verges – non are officially maintained by the PC

2. Tree Survey -Resolved that TW would contact companies for quotes re any work required on trees overhanging the highway on the MG.

3. Parish Council Field -  TW confirmed that as now 12 months into the lease the rent payable is to increase in line with RPI TW to contact the tenant with the new rent figures, also to confirm he is happy to continue with the lease, and to remind the tenant of responsibilities in cutting hedges and topping of field.

4. Review of Asset Register & Insurance values- TW asked the PC to review all the village assets and valuation to enable the asset register to be updated where necessary and to be able to obtain insurance quotes prior to the September meeting.  TW to email current Asset Register and insurance correspondence from last year to all.

5. Fence around War Memorial- half of the posts to the fence are rotten. Quote to be obtained to replace the fence


28 Items for next agenda:

Review insurance policy. MG fence. MG pathway quotes.

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm                

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