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Minutes - 9 March 2021

Minutes - 9 March 2021


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting 7.15pm via Zoom 09/03/21

135. Apologies

Councillor Rutter sent his apologies

136. Present

Councillor E Stubbs, Councillor R Stubbs, Councillor Thorne, Councillor Oultram, Councillor Lessells and Councill Miller, Councillor Holloway attended the meeting along with Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Fifield and Tracey Whitlow, the new Parish Council Clerk for 01/04/21

137. Declarations of Interest

No Declarations of Interest were made.

138. Approval of the minutes of Crowton Parish Council meetings 09/02/21 and 25/02/21.

Both the above Minutes were approved.

139. Matters arising from the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council Meeting of 25/02/21

  • The Council welcomed Tracey to her new role. Contract of Employment was discussed and agreed.

140. Matters arising from the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting of 09/02

(i) Councillor Fifield will provide an update on illegal tipping in the village at the next Parish Council Meeting

(ii) Dog fouling continues to be an issue at the Millennium Green, new signs have been installed and we wait to see if this improves the situation. Clerk informed members that Cheshire West & Chester dog warden was unable to offer support as this is happening on private land.

(iii) Problems with footpath at bridge at Crewood Common, and broken road surface outside Ivy House has been reported to Highways.

(iv) Clerk to arrange meeting for the siting of speed cameras in the village to be agreed.


130. Planning Applications

20/00255/FUL Long Barn Ainsworth Lane. The Parish Council objected to this application – This is an established path between Ainsworth Lane and Cliff Lane and should not be rerouted. The new owner has tried to have this path rerouted for some time, stating it runs to close to her property – converted barn. Recently access to the path was physically barred without permission and Cheshire West & Chester Council were involved to reopen it. Flood lights should not be installed at this rural location as this will have detrimental effect on wildlife.

21/0018/FUL Thornefield Crewood Common. The Parish Council Objected to this application. – There is not enough agricultural activity to justify a new building on such a small area of land.

132. Correspondence

(i) Members were reminded that the Waste and Recycling consultation closes on 18/03/21 – this has been noted on the Parish Council website

(ii) Members reviewed and approved the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, no amendments required at this time.

133. Accounts

(i) Payment to Richard Thorne £20 approved for materials for village project

(ii) Payment to William Clark £250 approved for Gardening Services

(iii) Tracey Whitlow was agreed to act as Internal Auditor for 2020/2021

134. Village Issues

(i) Blocked drain on Ainsworth Lane reported, clerk will be sent photograph in order for her to report this.

The meeting finished at 7.45pm

Signed/Dated Chairman Crowton Parish Council

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