Minutes - 9 February 2021
Minutes - 9 February 2021
Minutes of Crowton Parish Council Meeting of 09/02/21 7.15pm Via Zoom
126. Apologies
Councillor Rutter, Councillor Holloway and Councillor Miller sent their apologies
127. Present
Councillor Thorne, Councillor E Stubbs, Councillor R Stubbs, Councillor Oultram, Councillor Lessells, and Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Fifield attended the meeting.
128. Declarations of Interest.
No Declarations of Interests were made.
129. Approval of the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting of 12/01/21
The above Minutes were approved.
130. Matters arising from the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting of 12/01/21
(i) Councillor Fifield provided an update on possible fly tipping issues at Ainsworth Lane explaining that Planning Enforcement were currently taking advice from the Environment Agency.
(ii) Councillor Fifield provided an update on fly tipping reported by Councillor R Stubbs. Councillor Stubbs has now completed a statement on the incident and further investigations are being made.
(iii) 4 vacancy applications have been received for the post of Parish Council Clerk. The Council agreed to offer 2 applicants a job interview via zoom. Clerk to inform unsuccessful applications, thanking them for their applications and invite the 2 successful applicants to job interviews with the Council.
(iv) Dog Waste continues to be cause for concern at the Millennium Green, Councillor Thorne to install new signs to see if this improves the situation. Clerk to raise this issue with Cheshire West & Chester Dog Warden.
131. Correspondence
(I) Email received from Cheshire West & Chester Council notifying members of a waste and recycling consultation taking place until 18/03/21. Members encouraged to complete this individually. Clerk to forward details to allow members to do this. Clerk has posted this information on the Parish Council Website.
132. Planning Applications
20/04337/FUL Blackberry Farm change of use of land to include Equestrian and erection of timber stables – no objection
133. Decisions
20/033515/S73 Variation of condition 3 Planning App 19/03794/FUL Land at Elm Tree Farm Kingsley road – approved
20/02212/FUL Bramble Barn New access and driveway and change of use from agricultural land to residential - approved
134. Village Issues
Councillor Lessells reported footpath in poor state and unpassable over the footbridge towards the viaduct – clerk to report this to Cheshire West & Chester Council
Councillor Oultram reported broken road surface at Ivy House on Station road – clerk to report this to Cheshire west & Chester Council
Clerk asked to invite PCSO to the next meeting of the Parish Council to discuss speeding issues
The meeting finished at 8.45pm
Chairman of Crowton Parish Council