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Minutes - 8 February 2022

Minutes - 8 February 2022


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council held on
Tuesday 8th February 2022 at 7.15 p.m. Crowton Village Hall


Cllr Richard Thorne (vice Chair), Cllr Ralph Oultram, Cllr Ross McCrickerd, Cllr Jennifer Currie, Cllr Roger Hammond, Ward Cllr Paul Williams, Clerk T Whitlow


Apologies for Absence were received from:

Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs, Cllr Robert Stubbs, Cllr Joel RuFer Ward Cllrs Gillian Edwards & Charles Fifield


DeclaraPons of Members’ Interests –TW - website


Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeLng on Tuesday 11th January 2021 were approved & signed by the vice chair


MaTers arising from Minutes of 11/01/2022
(1) Website –
Website now completed, John Whitlow will upload all informaLon from the previous website.

(2)Phone box electrics –clerk informed sLll doing baFle with ScoRsh Power over the charges for the phone box, but ScoRsh Power are now looking into this, it should be resolved in the next week.
Phone Box Onston Lane – RO reported that residents on Onston Lane want to keep the phone box, Agreed not to sell it. One resident has offered to paint it in the spring.

RT asked clerk to order the paint, to be delivered to RM




Planning ApplicaPons –Quarry Bank Farm

Long discussion regarding the building being used for residenLal purpose. Enforcement are looking into this, although, to date no planning officer has yet been assigned to the case, TW to follow up.
Ward Cllr Paul Williams informed the PC that he would also follow up with enforcement


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Crowton Parish Council Mee2ng 8 February


Speed Indicator Display signs. RO & RT have looked into the posiLoning of the 2 SID’s.
One to be placed near the original one on entering the village from Kingsley, the other to be posiLoned on StaLon Road, on entering the Village from Acton Bridge.

Agreed not to purchase one with down loadable data, as informed from Highways if they are too close to other speed zone’s the police will not act on the data, so would be a waste of money. TW to get an up to date price with no data collecLon, and order

TW asked to look into Lme scale on the original flashing 30 sign on Kinsley Road, remaining CWAC property before becoming Parish Council property, at this point this one will be moved to Bent Lane
TW asked to contact Acton Bridge and Weaverham Parish Councils regarding the poles required for the SID’S




Parish Field – TW informed the PC that the present lessees of the Parsih field are happy to conLnue to lease the whole of the land, the new field lease, that had been circulated to all Cllr’s for agreement has been sent out to the lessee’s for signing.


Parish Council Facebook – RM has been working on this, he will contact John Whitlow (web design) so that this can also be linked to the website



Queens Jubilee CelebraPons - Lots of idea’s were discussed. RT informed the PC that the Women’s InsLtute would like to be involved, he will ask them to contact the Clerk. RM to ask someone to make a Beacon, (as the cost is over £500)

RM to speak to the Vicar regarding involvement
RH to look into bunLng, stressed no plasLc string.
Sub-commiFee with all others involved, as no further need to discuss at a


Parish Council meeLng

Clerk has received an invoice and report on the Japanese Knotweed on the Parish Council field. Report stated that there is now very liFle evidence of the Knotweed.
(2) ES in her absence has emailed clerk regarding the Griffiths not being paid for the looking ader the Christmas Tree, this had been missed last year also by the previous clerk, agreed to pay them £50 each year, for the electric and their



Payments agreed:
(1) Complete weed control £375.00
(2)B & R Griffiths, £100 (2 years Christmas tree) (3) J Whitlow – website £300


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Crowton Parish Council Mee2ng 8 February


Any other business/village issues –

CWaC officer Fiona Dunning had emailed informaLon to JC regarding Fibre in the village, there followed a discussion. JC to look further into this, to contact Mike Dugine(Digital Sector Specialist) regarding above and report back.



Items for next agenda –

Parish Council / Councillors email addresses GDPR


Date for next meePng – Tuesday 8th March 2022

Signed: Dated:

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The meeLng closed at 8.25 p.m.

Crowton Parish Council Mee2ng 8 February

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