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Minutes - 20 July 2021

Minutes - 20 July 2021

Minutes of Crowton Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting 22/07/21 7pm Hare & Hounds, Crowton

To discuss any issues arising during period of non meetings due to COVID restrictions and to co-opt two new Parish Councillors

20. Apologies : None

21. Present : Cllr E Stubbs, Cllr R Thorne, Cllr R Oultram, Cllr R Stubbs, Cllr J Rutter, Cllr R McCrickerd

22. Declarations of interest: None

23. Approval of minutes from 14/06/21. Approved

24. Matters Arising from above minutes:

24.1 A warm welcome was given by all to the new Parish Councillor, Ross Mc Crickerd, who has been co-opted onto the Parish Council 14/06/21

24.2 Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to Planning re: Norley Lane planning application 21/02013/FUL with all relevant objections raised, as discussed at last meeting.

24.3 There followed a discussion regarding the seating at the Millennium Green, which is in serious need of repair/replacement. A site meeting was set up for Monday 26th July

24.4 Mill Lane planning application 21/02546/FUL retrospective planning for a horse menege, Cllrs had already emailed the clerk with their responses, in essence there is not a great deal to object to although clerk was asked to contact planning re: new sign that has appeared on the site, which is actually on the grass verge not on the property and to mention the amount of drainage pipes that have been seen being put into place of the this site, far too many for a horse menege.

25. Accounts:

25.1HMRC paye due. Approved

25.2 Chalc membership. Approved

25.3Clerk asked for permission to pay small invoices/amounts without having to wait for a meeting for approval, this was agreed so long as the clerk emails chair or vice chair with confirmation of payment, then to be recorded at the following meeting.



26. Co-option of new Parish Councillor, following the resignation of Cllr M Miller and Cllr J Lessells

Next meeting agreed 14th September at the Village Hall

The meeting finished at 7.45pm

SIGNED/DATED Chairman Crowton Parish Council

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