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Minutes - 19 October 2021

Minutes - 19 October 2021


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council held on

Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 7.15 p.m. Crowton Village Hall



Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs(Chair),Cllr Richard Thorne (vice Chair), Cllr Robert Stubbs Cllr Ross McCrickerd, Cllr Jennifer Currie, Cllr Roger Hammond, Ward Cllr Paul Williams, Clerk T Whitlow


Apologies for Absence were received from: Cllr Ralph Oultram,(unwell) Ward Cllrs Gillian Evans & Charles Fifield


Declarations of Members’ Interests –Cllr R Thorne - (44.1)Little Brook Farm planning application (as neighbour)


Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 14th September were approved & signed by the chair


Matters arising from Minutes of 14th September 2021 –

(1) SID’s  Highways have agreed to a meeting re the sighting of the SID’s, week beginning 8th November, Clerk to organise and circulate

(2) Seat for Millennium Green- this has been ordered

(3) Website – Clerk reported that John Whitlow is happy to create a new website for a cost of £250 -£300

(4)Phone box electrics – It appears that the PC pay a standing charge re electric, regardless of usage, agreed for clerk to contact local electrician to check on the supply




Planning Applications

(1) 21/03527/FUL Little Brook Farm construction of welfare and overnight groom facilities, and new access

Followed a discussion on size of building, also brought up was the ménage/round lunging ring which has appeared,  Clerk to enquire when this was applied for. PC happy for this application only if the access is being moved, if not raise an objection. Clerk to contact planning to ensure both construction and access are a joint application

(2)Cllr’s reported -There appears to be a new agricultural steel building, being erected on Pingot Lane,(with a large amount of bricks being delivered) but no evidence of a planning application. Clerk to enquire with planning



Correspondence – Clerk reported that the Village Asset, registered on the Hare & Hounds has run its 5 years, there followed a discussion on whether it was necessary to re-apply. It was noted that it had been registered as a Village Asset when the pub looked like it could possibly close; this is no longer the case, so no need, at present to re-apply.


Defibrillator – Following the last PC meeting Cllr Mc Crickerd launched a crowd -funding to raise £1600 for a defib, this has been reached and defib ordered. As this was run from the Hare & Hounds via Cllr RM, he will donate the defib to the PC, it will be registered as an asset, and the PC will take up any maintenance costs.

There followed a discussion on a second defib for the Village Hall, Cllr’s RM& JC

have already had a discussion with the Village Hall rep. It was decided to assist them in reaching their funding with a possible donation from the PC, for an indoor defib, costing just over £850. (cheaper, as no outside box and lock required) This would then be accessible to all groups using the Village Hall, it would belong to the Village Hall, and so the PC will not be liable for any future ongoing costs involved.



Payments agreed:

(1) Bill Clarke £250.00

(2) Clerks wages

(3)Refund Cllr JC for 3 training courses attended £75.00

(4)Cllr ES £25 for wreath for Remembrance Day



Budget 2021/2022  - deferred to next meeting


Any other business/village issues –Cllr RT reported that the “Crowton” sign on entering the village from Acton Bridge is defective, the posts have been replaced by Highways, but to replace the sign will cost £500. Decided not to replace at present. Also reported that he had chased up grass verge cutting in the centre of the Village


Items for next agenda –

Budget 2021/2022

Village Misalliance Plan


Date for next meeting – Tuesday 9th November 2021

The meeting closed at 8.15 p.m.

Signed:  Dated:

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