Minutes - 14 June 2022
Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on
Tuesday 14th June 2022 at Crowton Village Hall
Cllr Ross McCrickerd (RM)(Chair), Cllr Richard Thorne (RT)(vice Chair), Cllr Joel Rutter,(JR) Cllr Jennifer Currie (JC),Cllr Roger Hammond (RH), Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs(ES) Cllr Ralph Oultram (RO) Cllr Robert Stubbs (RS)
Clerk T Whitlow (TW)
Apologies for Absence were received from:
Ward Cllr’s Gillian Edwards & Charles Fifield, & P Williams
Declarations of Members’ Interests –None received
Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 10th May 2022 were approved & signed by the Chair
Incoming Chair report – RM thanked Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs for all her hard work over the years as Chair, and thanked her for being willing to continue as a Parish Councillor.
He stated that he wished, as Chair to move forward with the current items being, Fibre Broadband, Speed Indicator Display signs, speeding through the village and the road surface to Station Road. He stated he would move forward with the Parish Council Facebook to keep the village informed via social media. He stated he was looking forward to working with all the ward Councillors and assisting them to work for us.
RM gave ES flowers & a gift from the Parish Councillors, at the end of the meeting.
Matters arising from Minutes of 0/05/2022
(1) Broadband - Factco are one of the broadband fibre companies approved by Cheshire West and Chester Council. A further virtual meeting has taken place with Cllrs RM, JC and RH and involving the CEO of Factco and Mike Dugine who is the Digital Sector specialist from CWAC. Following this meeting the PC have agreed to Factco moving forward with a non committal first survey of the area to assess if the build is viable. The PC agrees that we are here to facilitate whichever company proves best for Crowton, whichever one that may be. Factco have a robust customer involvement and information scheme in place which is a distinguishing feature with this particular company
(2 )Station Road surface - The report from highways was read out, this was a non-committal to any major resurfacing, as according to Highways they haven’t got the financial resources. Highways are encouraging villagers to report pot holes on a regular basis, this may in turn push Station Road further up the list of priorities. Ward Cllr GE has organised a Teams meeting with highways next week, as many as possible of the PC will attend.
(3) SID’s TW to email AH at Highways to try to establish exactly they want us to do, as this has been going back and forward since before the COVID lockdowns, although it is possible that the PC may be able to speak to them regarding the SID’s at the Teams meeting next week.
(4) 30 mile hour zone – TW to contact CWaC highways to ask to assess the area outside the school and the Station Road end of Ainsworth Lane. The assessment is non committal, if CWaC agreed to reduce any of the area’s of concern to 20 miles/hour there will be a cost implication to the PC
(5) Queens Jubilee: The PC thanked RM for facilitating the Jubilee Celebrations at the Hare & Hounds
(6)) Post box painting: Cllr JC has found a contact for the painting of the post boxes, but there is a minimum of a 25 week wait, and even then they may be deemed to not require painting.
Public Participation : No members of the public present
Planning Applications – 21/04313/FUL Quarry Bank Farm, Livestock building.
After discussion it was decided that the PC would object to this planning application.
Councillors to continue discussions, and to inform TW of the lines of objection next week for her to report to planning. To include the fact that this is a FUL application not AGR, and the actual size of the building, in comparison to the area of land
Millennium Green external fence: RO has met with a local contractor who will quote for the removal of the existing fence & replace with a wooden fence. Due to the proximity of the fence to the road, the contractor may have to apply for traffic light to enable safe working, this will add to the cost.
Parish Field:
TW has contacted the new lessee, and will be meeting with him to sign the new lease, RM was requested to also witness.
TW presented the audited accounts, and AGAR which were approved.
TW informed PC that the Parish computer is running very slow, constantly backing up to external drive, TW to ask family member to have a look at it , and to check back through records to establish how old the computer is.
Payments agreed:
(1) Refund E Stubbs – plants £338.33
(2) Refund R McCrickerd - signs for MG £60.86
(3) Donation to R McCrickerd – Jubilee £600
(4) Bill Clarke – donation £250.00 – work in the village
(5) Clerks salary May, and June, June to be paid at the end of the month to enable TW to receive her salary at the end of each month going forward
Any other business/village issues –
(1) Millennium Green - tipping platform to be removed by the volunteer’s, JR to transport away.
Items for next agenda –
Fibre Broadband update
Station Road Update
30 mph update
External fence on the Millennium Green
Date for next meeting – Tuesday 12th July 2022 7pm
The meeting closed at 8.15 p.m.