Minutes - 14 February 2023
Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on
Tuesday 14 February 2023 at Crowton Village Hall
Cllr Ross McCrickerd (Chair) (RM)Cllr Richard Thorne (Vice Chair) (RT)
Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs (ES), Cllr Jennifer Currie (JC), Cllr Robert Stubbs (RS)
Cllr Roger Hammond (RH), Cllr Joel Rutter (JR), Ward Cllr Charles Fifield
Clerk T Whitlow (TW)
Apologies for Absence were received from:
Cllr Ralph Outram
Declarations of Members’ Interests –RM – Coronation Event
Approve Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 10th January 2023 were approved & signed by the Chair
Matters arising from Minutes of 10/01/2023.
(1) Broadband – Factco have started their build of the fibre broadband with the 3 parishes of Crowton, Norley & Kingsley, the date for signing up for 6month free has been extended until 31 March 2023.
(2) Station Road surface- The PC had a meeting with Highways on 17 January, Station Road, following on from a Pothole Pro (large machine capable of doing large number of potholes in short time) station Road has now been upgraded to have more substantial work carried out in the next financial year, i.e. after 01/04/23
(3) 30-mile hour zone- Ainsworth Lane – This was also discussed at the highways meeting, Highways have stated that the PC need to apply to them to carry out more speed assessments, there will be a cost implication to the PC if a new speed restriction is implemented – TW to contact Highways for a costing of this.
(4) SID’s- This was also discussed; a final meeting has been agreed and the SID’s should be in place before 31/03/23 the PC has received a donation of £1750 towards one of the SID’s via Members Budgets from all three ward councillors. The PC wish to thank Charles Fifield, Gillian Edwards & Paul Williams for this.
It was resolved to order 2 SID’s from Elan City at a cost of £5280 (inc VAT)
TW to organise purchase/installation of posts for SID’s.
(5) Noticeboard: TW confirmed that the PC were awarded £1250 from the Neighbourhood Pride Scheme, via all three ward councillors towards a new noticeboard, this has been ordered and should be in place in the next 2 weeks. The PC wish to thank Charles Fifield, Gillian Edwards & Paul Williams for this. Member of the public has requested the old notice board, to refurbish to use on the Millennium Green. The PC agreed to this.
(6) Crewood Common Road –This was also discussed: Highways to contact United Utilities to rectify the problem of the high level of road surface, dropping away into the verges.
(7) Kings Coronation – RM is organising an event at the Hare & Hounds for anyone in the village to attend, along with other customers – RM to be given a donation from PC funds- to be discussed further at the next meeting.
Public Participation: No members of the public present
Millennium Green
(1) Proposed changes to entrance gates to make MG wheelchair accessible
RT provided detailed drawings, to forward to TW, JC to forward TW names of companies to approach for an estimate of the work, funding options are being investigated.
(2) External fence – Although discussed at the Highways meeting the ownership of the concrete/steel fencing on the MG and over various streams in the village, is still being investigated.
(3) Volunteers - The volunteers will be back at the MG on 28 March
Planning Applications –
No new planning applications have been received this month.
Little Brook Farm – Issues with flood lighting are being investigated.
Quarry Brook Farm – No update from planning
Sleepy Hollow Farm – No update from planning
TW to contact planning re the above, for an update to be circulated
Emails – It was agreed to set up the new email accounts for all councillors and clerk. TW or organise, also to add domain name to website.
Correspondence – Nothing received that hasn’t already been discussed.
Meeting Dates – It was agreed that future meeting would be held every 6 weeks if the Village Hall can facilitate this. TW to contact the VH
Payments agreed:
(1) Clerk’s salary February
(2) Complete Weed Control £375.00 (knot weed on the parish field)
(3) Payment of noticeboard on receipt of invoice
(4) Payment of Elan City invoice on receipt
(5) payment of email & domain name on receipt of invoice
(6) payment to W Clarke for village maintenance £500
It was resolved, due to 6 weekly meeting, for the clerk to pay invoices up to £500 in between meetings, to be ratified at the following meeting, following email approval from 2 councillors. Financial Regs to be updated to show this. All policies to be updated and circulated prior to next meeting.
Items for next agenda –
SID’s update
Highways update
Millennium Green update
Coronation Event
Date for next meeting – Tuesday 28th March 2023 7pm
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm