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Minutes - 13 April 2021

Minutes - 13 April 2021


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting 7.15pm via Zoom 13/04/21

136. Apologies

Councillor R Stubbs, Councillor Holloway & Councillor Miller sent their apologies

137. Present

Councillor E Stubbs, Councillor Thorne, Councillor Oultram, Councillor Lessells attended the meeting along with Cheshire West & Chester Councillor Fifield and Meg Rosney

138. Declarations of Interest

Councillor Oultram, declared an interest in planning application No 21/00654/FUL Onston Hall Farm, Onston Lane

139. Approval of the minutes of Crowton Parish Council meetings 09/03/21.

The above Minutes were approved.

140. Matters arising from the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting of 09/03/21

(i) Councillor Fifield provided an update on illegal tipping at Oak Hill Farm, that the environment agency had stated no action required.

(ii) Dog fouling at the Millennium Green, the situation appears to have improved with the new signs that have been installed, but will continue to be monitored

(iii) Problems with footpath at bridge at Crewood Common, and broken road surface outside Ivy House had been reported to Highways following meeting 09/03/21, no response from highways, clerk to follow up

(iv) Clerk to follow up on the meeting for the sighting of speed cameras in the village as the company engaged to carry out the work have not contacted Councillor Thorne to arrange site visit

141. Planning Applications

21/00654/FUL Onston Hall Farm, Onston Lane. No objections

142. Correspondence

(i) Correspondence received from Jennifer Currie regarding the flooding 20/01/21 on Onston Lane was discussed at length. This is the responsibility of the environment agency Councillor Fifield to take this


forward, with Councillor Paul Willaims Cheshire west & Chester. Clerk to also write to highways and environment agency.

(ii) HRH The Duke of Edinburgh: The Parish council will send a letter of condolence via the online link provided by Cheshire West & Chester. Clerk to liase with Councillor E Stubbs regarding the wording.

(iii) Vacancy on Parish Council : 3 applicants have come forward to be co-opted onto the Parish Council. As this cannot be discussed at an open meeting a Special Closed Meeting has been agreed for 7pm 20/04/21 to discuss further

143. Accounts

(i) Payment to Meg Ramsey for wages £689.65 approved

(ii) Payment to HMRC for PAYE £410.80 approved

(iii)The Millennium Green bank account appears to have been set up as a trust account and is proving difficult to change the signatories. It was agreed to transfer the balance to the Parish Council A/c and to operate it as a sub account and to close the Millennium Green A/c, if this is possible.

144. Village Issues

(i) Councillor Fifield reported he had heard nothing back from planning enforcement regarding the erection of the 8’ fence, around the property behind the Millennium Green. Councillor Fifield & clerk to follow up

(ii) Crowton WI have asked if they can plant daffodil bulbs on the Millennium Green, this was agreed and a letter to be sent Councillor Thorne to send.

(iii) Councillor Thorne asked for a letter to be sent to Jenny Currie to thank her for the work to the telephone box book exchange. Councillor Thorne to send

(iv)Councillor Thorne reported that the seats on the Millennium Green are collapsing, and that Bates Bridge need repair, it was greed that Councillor Oultram was to obtain quotes for repairs, and Councillor Thorne to obtain prices for new Hardwood benches

The meeting finished at 7.50pm

Signed/Dated Chairman Crowton Parish Council

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