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Minutes - 12 July 2022


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 12th July 2022 at Crowton Village Hall



Cllr Ross McCrickerd (RM)(Chair),   Cllr Richard Thorne (RT)(vice Chair),  Cllr   Jennifer Currie (JC), Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs(ES)  Ward Cllr Charles Fifield

Clerk T Whitlow (TW)


Apologies   for Absence were received from:

Ralph Oultram,   Robert Stubbs, Joel Rutter & Roger Hammond

Ward Cllr  P Williams


Declarations   of Members’ Interests –None received


Approve   Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday   14th June  2022 were   approved & signed by the  Chair


Matters   arising from Minutes of 0/05/2022

(1) Broadband   – Factco, one of the   broadband fibre companies approved by Cheshire West and Chester Council,   are holding off at present due to internal contract issues, it is hoped these   will be resolved shortly. Freedom Fibre, another option, have been contacted   on numerous occasions but to date have not responded – To invite to the next   PC meeting to see what they could offer the village.

(2 )Station   Road surface –A number of the PC and Clerk were   involved in a Team’s meeting with highways, although no positive   information or action came of this another meeting has been arranged for September.   Highways have advised to make sure every pot hole is reported, as the more   reports, the more possibility of getting this section of road moved up the   list for attention. A Freedom of Information request has been put in to CWaC   for results of surveys to this section of road, but has been refused. Another   meeting has been set up for September. Thanks to Cllr Gillian Edwards for   facilitating these meetings.

(3) SID’s -   This was discussed at the teams meeting, it was   suggested that a moveable unit, with various posts in the village to site it   on would be a better option for the village. RT to provide clerk with a plan   to send in to highways for agreement.

(4) 30 mile   hour zone – area outside the school and the Station   Road end of Ainsworth Lane, to reduce to 20 mph. This was discussed during   the Highways teams meeting. It will be looked into by Highways

(5) Fence   on Millennium Green - Carried over to the next meeting.






Public   Participation : No members of the public present


Planning   Applications –

21/04313/FUL   Quarry Bank Farm, Livestock building -Objection   has been sent in to planning.

A number of AGR applications are appearing in the locality, planning   don’t forward these to the Parish Council, TW to check planning website on a   regular basis to enable the PC to be aware of these applications



Parish   Field: The new lease has been signed by the new tenant.


Millennium   Green - The staging has been taken down and is now looking   very nice. Thanks were offered again to the volunteers.

A skip is required to remove debris, RM to organise, cost approximately   £260 agreed.



Correspondence   – email received MCFS (mid Cheshire Footpath   Society) to ask the PC to re-join post Covid, MCFS walk a lot of local   footpaths and will report back any issues ie broken stiles etc. This was   agreed.



PC Computer -Due to holidays, PC computer has only just gone to TW’s family member   to try and improve its performance, TW has looked back through all cash books   to 2015 and can’t find any payments for a computer.  PC work currently being carried on own   computer via memory stick

Payments   agreed:

(1) Clerk’s salary July

(2) MCFS £8.00



Village   issues – None



Items   for next agenda –


Fibre Broadband update

Station Road Update

30 mph update

External fence on the Millennium Green

PC computer


Date   for next meeting – Tuesday  13th  September  2022 7pm

There is no meeting in August

The meeting closed at 8.10 pm

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