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Minutes - 11 October 2022


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 11th October 2022 at Crowton Village Hall



Cllr Ross McCrickerd (RM)(Chair),    Cllr Jennifer Currie (JC), Cllr Robert   Stubbs (RS)

Cllr Joel Rutter (JR) Cllr Ralph Oultram (RO) Cllr Roger Hammond   (RH) Ward Cllr Charles Fifield

Clerk T Whitlow (TW)


Apologies   for Absence were received from:

Elizabeth   Stubbs, Richard Thorne & Ward Cllr Paul Williams


Declarations   of Members’ Interests –None received


Approve   Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday   12th July  2022 were   approved & signed by the  Chair (no   meeting in August or September)


Matters   arising from Minutes of 12/07/2022

(1) Broadband   – Factco have organised   a meeting with councillors, engineers and highways for 25th  October. Factco are also organising a community meeting for the same evening,   to be held at Crowton Village Hall. This has already been posted on Facebook   by Factco. They are also going to organise drop in sessions at the Hare &   Hounds for those who cant attend on the 25th October. TW & RM   to keep facebook updated.

(2)Station   Road surface- Unfortunately no progress made, the   last meeting with Highways was cancelled outside of the Parish Council.   Another meeting has been arranged for Monday 24th October.

(3) 30 mile   hour zone- As above (44.2) Highways meeting was   cancelled so no progress. Clerk was asked to email highways in regard to a   20mph zone past the school, as in so many other rural villages, including   Kingsley which is on the B5153. PC has been told by Highways that this can’t   be done as the road is a main through road, yet from a resurfacing   perspective it is a minor B road. It can’t be both.

(4) SID’s- As above (44.2) highways meeting cancelled. TW has found another company   who can supply the SID’s at a far more competitive rate, TW looking into the   spec of these. To discuss at the next Highways meeting.






Public   Participation : No members of the public present


Millennium   Green

(1) Update on quote for removal of trees- Resolved to hold   off on this until next year, pending further work on the MG (see46.3) so all   work can be done together

(2) External fence:-   There   is a possibility that the fence actually belongs to highways as a safety fence over the brook, to establish this   with highways at the next meeting, before doing anything further

(3) Proposed   changes to entrance gates to make MG wheelchair accessible- Resolved that the PC will look at fundraising   to make the gates and pathway through the MG wheelchair/pushchair accessibly   TW to look into crowdfunding for this and to contact various charities with   the onus on disabilities.


Planning   Applications –

No new planning applications have been received.

21/04313/FUL Quarry Bank Farm: An enforcement officer has contacted TW,   as a follow up. They are still monitoring this site.



Correspondence   – RM advised that there is funding   available via ‘Community Pride’

Initial thought was to apply for funding for the MG, but now this is a   bigger project, this should be applied for, to replace the Notice Board. Resolved

TW to obtain quotes for the replacement, and pass on to RM or CF




PC Computer –TW reported that the PC computer is not worth upgrading. There   followed a discussion on whether to purchase a new computer, or pay an   allowance to the clerk for use of own computer. Resolved to pay £20 per month   for use of clerks computer, unless the PC can get funding via the Ward Cllrs.   JC to look into this

Payments   agreed:

(1) Clerk’s salary August & September.

(2) HMRC refunded to clerk

(3) Zurich Insurance £364.54



Village   issues – JR   & RS raised the issue of Crewood Common Road, sinking in parts, is this   due to the work being carried out by United Utilities? TW to contact UU to establish the problem.   Also to report to Highways.



Items   for next agenda –


Fibre Broadband update

Station Road Update

30 mph update

Crewood Common Road

Budget 2023/2024


Date   for next meeting – Tuesday  8th  November  2022 7pm

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