Minutes - 11 May 2021
Minutes - 11 May 2021
Minutes of Crowton Annual Parish Council Meeting of 11/05/21 7.pm via Zoom
Councillor Miller sent his apologies, due to ill health.
Councillor E Stubbs, Councillor Oultram, Councillor Lessells, Councillor Rutter, Councillor Thorne and Councillor R Stubbs attended the meeting along with Cheshire West & Chester Councillors P Williams and C Fifield.
Election of Chairperson
Councillor E Stubbs was elected as Chairperson.
Election of Vice Chairperson
Councillor Thorne was elected as Vice Chairperson.
Acceptance to Office and Code of Conduct.
Members cannot complete their Acceptance to Office forms and Register of Member of Interest forms, as meeting held via Zoom, These will be collected during the next week by the clerk to return them to Cheshire West & Chester Council.
Councillor Thorne declared he is also a Governor for Crowton C of E Primary School
Review of Working Practises/Meetings 2021/2020
Meetings to continue to take place on the 2nd Tuesday of each month unless otherwise notified at 7.15pm Crowton Village Hall.
Standing Orders and Financial Arrangements were considered, no amendments required at this time.
Declarations of Interest
Councillor Lessels declared an interest in planning application 21/0117/FUL
Approval of the minutes of Crowton Parish Council meetings 13/04/21 & 20/04/21
Minutes of both meetings were approved
Matters arising from the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting of 13/04/21
(i)Councillor Thorne & Councillor Oultram have met with the company supplying the speed cameras, although they have an issue with their quoting system so not able to send this through, as of yet, Councillor Thorne has sent the Clerk a map with the cameras clearly marked to be forwarded to highways for agreement. The company does not erect the posts, Clerk is awaiting a response from Norley PC as to who they used to erect the posts, Councillor Williams will look into any assistance from CWaC with this. Clerk to forward a map of speed camera to Councillors Williams and Fifield.
(ii)Clerk has had a reply regarding the flooding on Ainsworth Lane from Environment agency, basically asking to report to LLAP. Councillor Williams to be copied into correspondence.
(iii) Tipping Ainsworth Lane. Councillor Fifield to chase, Councillor R Stubbs to check if he has a contact with environmental agency.
(iv)Clerk received a reply regarding the poor state of Kingsley Road and Station Road, saying that there were no plans for resurfacing, and each pot hole is treated as a separate issue, and that pot holes only get repaired when they are consistently reported. Councillor Fifield to put this on Facebook with the appropriate link to highways to report issues.
(v)Councillor Thorne to obtain quotes for the replacement benches in sustainable plastic for the Millennium Green. Councillor Oultram to meet with Russ Godwin re repairing the Bridge on the Millennium Green. The remaining £250 of the Millennium Trust bank account to be spent on these, bring the account to nothing to enable closing the account, the Millennium Green, then to become under control of the Parish Council.
10. Planning Applications/Decisions
Councillor Fifield will take no part in any planning discussions from now on as he is now on the Planning Committee.
(i)21/0117/FUL- Lilac Cottage, 9 Pickering’s O The Boat, Crewood Common, Crowton - No objections
(ii)21/01250/FUL – Barncroft Farm, Onston Lane, Crowton - No objections
(iii)21/01234/PDR- Agricultural Building, Marsh Lane, Crowton - PC would like to comment on this: that PC are not aware of any agricultural building & believe prior approval should be sought to regularize any change of use. Clerk to relay to CWaC planning.
11. Correspondence
(i) A letter of resignation has been received from Councillor Holloway. Clerk to inform CWaC and advertise the post.
(ii)A member of the village has asked permission to sow poppy seed on the Millennium Green, this was agreed, and an offer to pay for compost if required.
(iii)Letter received from planning yesterday, re the land at the bottom of Norley Lane.
Planning application has finally been received, but has changed to “change of use to a Gypsy Site” this application has not yet gone through formal checks with planning so at present no other details available. We will receive the actual planning application once fully processed, which can then be discussed at the next meeting.
12. Accounts
(i) Payment to Royal British Legion - £35.00 - approved
(ii) Payment to Rose Rowland, accountant - £216.00- approved
(iii)The Millennium Green bank account appears to have been set up as a trust account and is proving difficult to change the signatories. It was agreed to transfer the balance to the Parish Council A/c and to operate it as a sub account and to close the Millennium Green A/c, if this is possible.
(iv)Councillor Oultram suggested that the Clerk may be able to run the payroll, saving over £200 per annum, this was agreed. Clerk to contact Rose Rowland for the information held by her.
13. Village Issues
No other business that hasn’t already been addressed throughout the meeting.
14. Any other business
(i)Councillor Oultram suggested that the Clerk may be able to run the payroll, saving over £200 per annum, this was agreed. Clerk to contact Rose Rowland for the information held by her.
Next meeting agreed for 8th June at the Village Hall 7pm
The meeting finished at 7.55pm
Signed/Dated Chairman Crowton Parish Council