Minutes - November 2024
Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on
Tuesday 12th November at Crowton Village Hall
2024 Meeting started 7pm
Cllr Richard Thorne (chair) RT
Cllr Jenny Currie (JC) Cllr Sue Dolley (SD) Cllr Bob Stubbs, (BS) Cllr Roger Hammond (RH), Cllr Joel Rutter, (JR)
Ward Councillor’s Gillian Edwards (GE) Lynn Stocks (LS) & Phil Rimmer (PR)
Clerk - T Whitlow (TW)
Apologies for Absence were received & accepted from:
Cllr Ralph Oultram
Declarations of Members’ Interests:
Approve Minutes The minutes of the last Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 8 October 2024 were approved & signed by the Chair.
Public Participation:
None present.
Ward Councillor reports:
GE: Following the recent flooding of 16/17th October GE said she now feel that the EA, UU, CWAC & CRT are working together proactively as opposed to in response to a flood, which is encouraging, unfortunately it is the aftermath of a flood that is an issue.
Highways are introducing a new dashboard, where all information can be found.
GE attended the Remembrance Day service’s locally.
Matters Arising – from previous minutes (if not an agenda item)
Hedge on Bag Lane has now been cut back.
Nothing of consequence that has not been circulated or actioned.
1. Cash book as at 31.10.24 approved.
2. Bank reconciliation 31.10.24 approved.
3. Payments ratified/for approval
R October payroll
R T Whitlow WFH October £25.00
R T whitlow Expenses Aug-Sept £76.00
A W Clarke – Ground maintenance £250
Members budget grant £600 towards the refurbishment of the Fingerpost sign
4. NALC pay scales uplift. This has now been agreed, backdate to 01.04.24 backpay to be added to clerks November salary.
Clerks Report:
SID’s - These are coming up to 2 years old. TW had obtained quote for extended warranty of £249 per SID for 2 years. Add to next agenda.
Budget 2025-26:
2nd pass budget, circulated prior to the meeting was discussed. Some amendments made. TW to recalculate and re-circulate for further discussion at the next meeting.
Village Signage:
RT has sourced composite aluminium ‘Crowton’ signs to go on the planters in the village. Resolved to purchase 3 per planter at a cost of £305 including fitting. RT to order
TW to request sign designs for ‘Welcome to Crowton’ signage.
Phone box- Onston Lane: Quote requested, approximate figure given, contractor will quote properly when working on the fingerpost next week. TW to follow up.
Details of a grant for defibs has been circulated by PR – suggested that one could go in the phone box, TW to check on electric to the phone box and apply for a grant.
New Applications:
No new planning applications received since the last meeting.
LPA Decisions:
23/02391/FUL Spring Bank Farm Ainsworth Lane Crowton Northwich CW8 2RS Proposal: Vehicular access track. Refused.
Hedge by Ruloe House, Bag Lane is overgrown, and traffic is being forced into oncoming traffic. TW to report to homeowner and Highways.
Crewood common – UU markers are damaged – TW to report.
RO has reported that he had 2 trees removed from his hedge line, but is unsure who removed them.
LCAS- (Local Council Award Scheme) discussed further. This is for TW to take forward, it shows the parish/public that the parish council are working to high standards. Cost of registration £50. Resolved for TW to take this further.
Millenium Green:
1. Update of scheduled work: Pooling has been noted on the new pathway, meeting held with contractor – actions to remedy discussed. The path also flooded in the recent bad weather from the overflow from the culvert, which has never been known before, TW to report to highways a potential blockage.
Pathway will require regular weed killer applying, weed is NOT growing through the path but from sediment on the pathway.
The wooden fence facing the fields appears to be leaning. JR & BS to rectify when free to do so.
RT has sourced ‘no dog fouling’ signs resolved to purchase.
RH to design the repairs for the bridge.
2. Volunteers: Will be asked to rake the leaves from the path at their next visit.
Asset Maintenance & Register:
1. Fingerpost maintenance (Norley Lane): Contractor will be commencing the work in the next few weeks, weather permitting.
2. War Memorial Fence – Quote for painting of the metal work will be done when the contractor is on site for the fingerpost.
Christmas Tree – RO is organising the tree. RT to contact the school for date of lighting. TW to contact MOP who normally supplies the power to confirm.
3. Village Maintenance – To be discussed within the budget next month.
4. Bus Shelter- SD suggested utilising the redundant bus shelter for community use. To circulate idea’s to the council before the next meeting.
Community Resilience Group:
JC & SD have added more information including maps. Will be circulated to all when completed
Items for next agenda:
Telephone Box painting quotes, 3rd pass budget for 2025/26, village signage, bus shelter. Clerks annual review. Precept (if budget agreed)
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 10th December 2024 at Crowton Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.45.pm Signed: Dated: