DRAFT Minutes - December 2024
Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on
Tuesday 10th December 2024 at Crowton Village Hall
2024 Meeting started 7pm
Cllr Ralph Oultram (Chair) RO Cllr Richard Thorne (Vice Chair) RT
Cllr Sue Dolley (SD) Cllr Roger Hammond (RH), Cllr Joel Rutter, (JR)
Ward Councillor’s Gillian Edwards (GE)
PCSO Neil Flanagan
Clerk - T Whitlow (TW)
Apologies for Absence were received & accepted from:
Cllr Bob Stubbs, (BS) Cllr Jenny Currie (JC)
Ward Councillor’s Lynn Stocks (LS) & Phil Rimmer (PR)
Declarations of Members’ Interests:
RT – pecuniary interest - planning application 23/03218/FUL Little Brook Farm Kingsley Road, Crowton.
Approve Minutes The minutes of the last Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 12 November 2024 were approved & signed by the Chair.
Public Participation:
PCSO Neil Flanagan attended the PC meeting to introduce himself, having recently taken over this area. He will try to attend as many PC meetings as possible to answer any questions and give an area update.
TW to add the PCSO details to the website & noticeboard.
Ward Councillor reports:
GE: following more flooding on Station Road GE is liaising with CWAC to ensure the gulleys are properly emptied. Trying to secure ‘flood signage, that can be kept near by to be put out to warn traffic in case of future flooding.
Looking into funding gulley emptying in the ward from the remainder of her members budget.
Flood meeting with EA & flood management officer to be held next week, (open to council.)
CWAC Finance is only going to get tighter, more smaller items will be filtered back to the PC’s.
Christmas Toy Appeal is being well supported through the ward.
Matters Arising – from previous minutes (if not an agenda item)
Hedge at Ruloe is still causing issues. TW to re-report.
Christmas tree lighting event had been cancelled due to high winds. Resolved to donate the refreshments purchased to Hare & Hounds for use on the evening of the carol singing.
Costing of road sweeper& gulley emptying have been received from Northwich town council. RO to supply TW with contact details of an independent contractor for comparison. This is for a future option if CWAC don’t do the work.
1. Cash book as at 26.11.24 approved.
2. Bank reconciliation 26.11.24 approved.
3. Payments ratified/for approval
R November payroll
A Refund TW for tree lighting refreshments £34.61
A Payment of Christmas tree upon receipt of invoice.
Parish field rent Q4 £325
Clerks Report
Nothing not covered as an agenda item.
Budget 2025-26:
Deferred to January
Village Signage:
TW has ordered the planter name signs.
Larger ‘Welcome to Crowton’ signs discussed. Resolved due to positioning, to have 3 signs made to go by the planters, with ‘Crowton’ on them as opposed to ‘welcome to’ as they can’t go on the village boundary. Cost of £358, each. TW to order
New Applications:
No new planning applications received since the last meeting.
Further details have been submitted for 23/03218/FUL Little Brook Farm Kingsley Road Crowton Northwich CW8 2RW Proposal: Retrospective application for retention of purpose-built equine stable buildings, storage facilities, horse walker and floodlights to the extant arena. RT left the discussion. – discussed at length Cllr’s to forward comments to TW for submission by 30.12.24
LPA Decisions:
None notified.
Highways have emptied one gulley by the Hare & Hounds, others still to do.
Footpath by the bus stop is covered in flood debris and breaking up. TW to report
Millenium Green:
1. Pathway – contractor to insert French drain under pathway to stream to alleviate the flooding issue.
Pathway to be cleared of leaves once all leaves have fallen.
Bridge – RH has drawn a plan for the restoration. To be further discussed in January.
2. Volunteers: Were unable to attend the last volunteer day due to extreme weather. They are due back in February.
Asset Maintenance & Register:
1. Parish field -annual rent review. Resolved to increase the rent In line with RPI, an increase of £40 per annum. TW to contact the tenant.
2. Phone Box – Onston Lane. Quote received of £500 plus paint for the restoration of the phone box. Resolved to accept the quote. TW to contact the contractor.
3. War Memorial Fence – Quote for painting of the metal fence & Tommy received, £175 Resolved to accept this. TW to instruct contractor to commence.
4. Bus Shelter- SD had circulated a list of idea’s for uses of the bus shelter, RT to speak to Crowton School to see if they want to have any input. Any future usage will need volunteer’s. Resolved RT has an old Footpath map which can go in the bus stop until further use is found.
5. SID’s extended warranty – TW struggling to get a definitive quote – defer to next month.
Community Resilience Group:
JC was not present for an update.
Items for next agenda:
Final budget for 2025/26. Precept, bus shelter, MG bridge
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14th January 2025 at Crowton Village Hall.
Confidential Press & Public excluded.
Annual review of clerks pay scale and hours
The clerk left the meeting, having given RO the NALC pay scales, and stated that the hours are sufficient. Cllrs discussed pay review, which has not been carried out for 3 years. Cllrs resolved to increase pay scale to SCP point 20.
To be reviewed annually in November.
The meeting closed at 8.40.pm