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Minutes - 10 January 2023


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 10 January 2023 at Crowton Village Hall



Cllr Ross McCrickerd (Chair) (RM)Cllr Richard Thorne (Vice Chair)(RT)

Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs (ES), Cllr Jennifer Currie (JC), Cllr   Robert Stubbs (RS)

Cllr Roger Hammond (RH), Ward Cllr Charles Fifield

Clerk T Whitlow (TW)


Apologies   for Absence were received from:

Cllr Joel   Rutter


Declarations   of Members’ Interests –None received


Approve   Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday   8th November 2022 were approved & signed by the Chair


Matters   arising from Minutes of 08/11/2022

(1) Broadband   – Factco have started their build of the fibre broadband with   the 3 parishes of Crowton, Norley & Kingsley.

There is   another open meeting on 17th January at the village hall, TW to   Facebook and put poster on noticeboard.

(2) Station   Road surface- The PC feel this is now the worse it has been in years, probably   one of the worse roads in Cheshire, they are getting constant reports of   residents having blown tyres due to this.

The PC have   an online meeting with Highways on Tuesday 17 January as many as possible Cllr’s   requested to attend. TW to ask for total number of complaints in the last 12   months, and amount spent in the last 12 months.

(3) 30-mile   hour zone- This will be discussed at the above Highways meeting next week.

(4) SID’s- To be   discussed and hopefully finalised at the above meeting with Highways.

(5) Noticeboard:  TW confirmed that the PC have secured   funding for the new notice board, but the figure has not been confirmed, as   this has been ongoing it is envisaged that the price may have increased PC   resolved to fund any excess, not anticipated to be more than £200 if the PC   receive the amount requested.

(6) Crewood Common Road – This   has been resurfaced, but the edges of the road are now very high, with a   significant drop to the grass verge. To be discussed at the Highways meeting   next week.

(7) Kings Coronation – RM happy to host similar event to the   Jubilee at the Hare & Hounds, to be discussed further at the next   meeting.





Public Participation: No issues raised


Ward Cllr   Report-

Cllr   Charles Fifield informed the PC that there was a main finance meeting for   CWAC next week. Looking likely that the budget is going to have to increase   significantly


Millennium   Green

(1)  Proposed   changes to entrance gates to make MG wheelchair accessible

RT provided a sketch plan of his proposal for the   MG. TW to contact CWAC architectural services to see if they could assist in   the drawing up of plans and putting the works out to tender.TW to look at   funding option- spacehive and National Lottery.

RS to forward information on using wool as a path   membrane.

(2) External fence –   Highways   claim the fence belongs to the landowner, to clarify where this information   is with highways at the meeting next week, as it is a significant concrete   fence over a stream.

(3) MG Charitable   Trust – It appears both the PC and RO are trustees of the   MG, TW to investigate RO as an individual being taken off, at his request






Planning   Applications –

22/04375/FUL – 9 Pickering o’the Boat- 2 story   side/rear extension.

Resolved No comment

22/03796/FUL- Land at Sandhole Lane – erection of   building for agriculture

Resolved to comment –

Described as agricultural building- no agricultural building has a   slate roof.




The   circulated budget was agreed, at £10150



After   discussion it was agreed to set the precept at £9650, allowing for field rent   income at 50% to meet the budget. This will give a band D property an annual   increase of £2.95. Without increasing the precept, the PC feel that projects   already in hand cannot be completed.


Correspondence   – Nothing received that hasn’t already been   discussed.



Payments   agreed:

(1) Clerk’s salary November/December/January

(2) Refund ES £162.91   for Christmas tree and refreshments for the lighting of

(3) B   Griffiths £70 for supply of electric for Christmas tree and daily checks of   it.

(4) RS refund   of £260 for skip for MG

(5) Clerk   Expenses Nov-Dec £98.90


Items   for next agenda –


Fibre Broadband update

Highways meeting update


Date   for next meeting – Tuesday 14 February 2023 7pm

The meeting closed at 8.25 pm

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