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Minutes - 8th November 2022


Minutes of Crowton Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 8th November 2022 at Crowton Village Hall



Cllr Richard Thorne (Chair)(RT) Cllr Elizabeth Stubbs (ES), Cllr   Jennifer Currie (JC), Cllr Robert Stubbs (RS)  Cllr Roger Hammond (RH) , Ward Cllr Paul   Williams (PW)

Clerk T Whitlow (TW) 1 Member of the Public


Apologies   for Absence were received from:

Cllr Ross   McCrickerd & Ward Cllr Charles Fifield


Declarations   of Members’ Interests –None received


Approve   Minutes The minutes of the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday   11th October 2022 were approved & signed by the Chair


Matters   arising from Minutes 11.10.2022

(1) Broadband   – Factco have started the initial build, by installing boxes   on top Road in Kingsley and Ainsworth Lane, Crowton. They will be working in   the area this week, and the main contact will be working from the Hare &   Hounds in the afternoon if anyone wants to ask questions. TW has received an   email from a resident on Onston Lane, it appears 16 properties have been missed   off the build plan, Charli (Factco) is looking into this and will send maps   of the 3 village ‘s  to TW next week.

(2) Station   Road surface- Following teams meeting on 24th October, Station Road has been placed as high   priority. Highways appear to be actioning “Report it” problems very quickly   at present. This will be ongoing with the PC having meetings with Highways   every 2 months.

(3) 30-mile   hour zone- This again was discussed at the highways meeting. TW to push on   the 20-mph zone by the school. Again,   this will be ongoing.

(4) SID’s- Information   from the second company was requested by highways during the meeting, to   ensure they are suitable, TW has sent this information over to them. TW also   informed PC that this company has already supplied a large number with-in   Cheshire, so no problems are envisaged. It was resolved to now only purchase   one SID and 2 posts so that the SID can be moved within the village.

(5) Noticeboard:  TW confirmed that she had sent a quote of   £1260 for the replacement noticeboard to CWaC, to hopefully get this funded   via Community Pride. TW to follow up if no response before the next meeting.

(6) Crewood Common Road –  Highways meeting – this is to be resurfaced, following the sinking due to UU   works.



Public Participation: No issues raised


Millennium   Green

(1)  Proposed   changes to entrance gates to make MG wheelchair accessible

A working group   have looked at the MG. The whole path will need resurfacing. There is a   double gate at present at the entrance, this would need to be narrowed by   extending the fence to incorporate a wheelchair friendly entrance gate. The   exit gate near Crewood Common will not be made wheelchair accessible as the   PC feel this would enable a wheelchair to exit onto a bad bend.

(2) External fence   - The   fact that fence (concrete & metal barrier) is over a stream makes it   highly likely that this belongs to highways, this was also brought up in the   highways meeting, but as yet not been confirmed.

(3) MG Charitable   Trust - It was resolved to try to disband the Charitable   Trust of the MG, whereby the PC would take on the responsibility. At present   the PC are only “caretakers” for the MG. TW to also re-check that the   volunteers are covered on the insurance whilst working on the MG due to the   PC only being caretakers.



Planning   Applications –

No new planning applications have been received.


Correspondence   – Nothing received that hasn’t been   discussed/forwarded



PC Computer –JC & TW had both contacted the ward councillors to ask if funding   was available. There is no funding for a computer.

Budget – TW handed out a draft budget for   members to look at before the next meeting. The Budget and precept need to be   agreed at the latest at the January meeting.

Christmas tree - agreed to purchase Christmas tree and   refreshments for Christmas tree lighting event on 2nd December (ES   to give TW invoices)

Payments   agreed:

(1) Clerk’s salary October

(2) Refund ES   £43.20 for plants

(3) PC agreed   to make a donation to RBL for £50 for wreath.

(4) PC agreed   payment to K Lightfoot for village maintenance £200

(5) PC agreed   payment to W Clarke for village maintenance £250

(6) Clerks   expenses April – October £314.92 (late due to no Aug & Sept   meeting)

(7) Refund   clerk USB port £20.96


Village   issues – RS   & PW discussed the junction at Cheese Hill, Norley, although not Crowton,   many villagers use this junction. TW to contact Norley clerk on a few items   raised.



Items   for next agenda –


Fibre Broadband update

Station Road Update

30 mph update

Budget 2023/2024


Date   for next meeting – Tuesday 10th January 2023 7pm

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