Agenda - 8th November 2022
Notice is hereby given of the Parish Council meeting
on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7pm
at Crowton Village Hall
To: - Members of Crowton Parish Council
You are summoned to the above meeting for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the agenda below
Members of the public & Ward Councillors are invited to attend
Yours sincerely: Tracey Whitlow, Clerk to Crowton Parish Council – 2nd November 2022
2.Declarations of Interests –
Councillors are reminded to declare any personal, pecuniary or prejudicial interests in any items included on the agenda, and their nature.
3.To approve the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council Meeting of 12/07/22
4.Matters arising /Actions from previous minutes(including but not exhaustive)
(1) Fibre broadband update
(2) Station Road surfacing update
(3) Extension of 30mph area in various locations within the village update
(4) SID’s update
(5) Notice board update
(6) Crewood Common Road update
5.Items raised by the public – public participation
6.Millennium Green
(1) Update on fundraising options
7.Planning Applications/Decisions
8.Budget 2023/2024
9.Correspondence received, after agenda, needing decisions prior to next meeting
10. Accounts:
Invoices for payment – to be circulated at the meeting
Any other financial business
11. Village issues/Items for inclusion for next month’s meeting agenda
12. Date of next meeting