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Agenda - 18 January 2022 - Prosponed from 11/1/2022

Notice is hereby given of the next meeting of Crowton Parish Council

18/01/22 at 7.15pm, at Crowton Village Hall

Members of the public are welcome to address the Council at 7pm


  1. Apologies

  2. Declarations of Interests

  3. To approve Minutes of Crowton Parish Council Meeting of 09/11/21

  4. Matters arising from the Minutes of Crowton Parish Council Meeting of 09/11/21

  5. Planning Applications/Decisions

  6. SID’s update

  7. Resilience Plan update

  8. Parish Council field

  9. Broadband

  10. Flood update

  11. Budget 2021/2022 - precept

  12. Correspondence

  13. Accounts

  14. Any other business/village issues

  15. Items for inclusion for next meeting’s agenda

Tracey Whitlow

Clerk to Crowton Parish Council

12th January 2022

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